
You can try our services for free and create 1 label. If you then wish to create more labels, the annual fee is based on the company's turnover and the number of active labels. The annual fee gives access to our tool and the ability to create, embed, share or download as many labels as you wish.

Create an account and send us an email with your invoicing address and information about your company turnover last year so we can activate your account for unlimited labeling.

Turnover-based fee

Yearly company turnover Fixed yearly fee
0 - 0.1 million EUR120 EUR / year
0.1 - 0.5 million EUR240 EUR / year
0.5 - 1 million EUR600 EUR / year
1 - 2.5 million EUR900 EUR / year
2.5 - 10 million EUR1800 EUR / year
10 - 25 million EUR3600 EUR / year
25 - 50 million EUR4800 EUR / year
50+ million EUR6000 EUR / year


In addition to the annual fixed fee, a fee per label per year is charged at the end of the calendar year based on the number of active labels in the account on January 1st.

Label fee
2.5 EUR / label / year

Show the world that you are part of the climate solution

By 2050, our annual emissions of greenhouse gases need to be reduced from today's approximately 9,000 kg CO2 per person to a maximum of 2,000 kg. That is about the same amount of emissions as a single round trip flight between Europe and New York causes, but a train ride to Paris and back from the edges of Europee emits less than 100 kg CO2.

Choosing the right destination and mode of transport is crucial for the climate. Are you ready to help your customers make carbon-clever choices?