Frequently asked questions

How does climate labeling of trips work?

Emissions are calculated using Travel CO2's emission calculation tool. Information about routes, overnight stays, vehicles and fuels is provided by the tour operator and is not checked by Travel CO2 or external parties. The emissions values of the label describe a general average trip with the current specifications. The exact emissions can vary and also depend on other factors such as the occupancy rate of buses and planes or vehicle model.

The label itself does not mean that the trip has low climate-affecting emissions but is only a presentation of the emissions that arise.

How are emissions calculated?

Our climate calculations are based on the latest research at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Download our methodology report for detailed information. You can also read our simplified explanation of the calculations.

What does the climate labeling cost?

It is free to try our service and create 1 label. If you then want to go ahead and create labels for more trips, the annual fee is based on the company's turnover. The annual fee gives access to our tool and the ability to create, embed, share and download as many labels as you wish. Read more about our prices here.

How do I activate my account to be able to create more labels?

When you have created your account, send us an email with your invoice address and information about your turnover last year and we will activate your account for unlimited number of labels.

Why are emissions from food not included?

Food is not included in our labeling because you eat regardless of whether you are traveling or at home.

Can I show climate emissions in my own way?

Contact us if you want to display climate data from trips in any other way, we can help with customized presentation forms according to your graphic profile.

Is it possible to automate or integrate the creation of climate labels into our systems?

We have an API that can be used to create climate labels, contact us for more information. Contact us for more information.

Show the world that you are part of the climate solution

By 2050, our annual emissions of greenhouse gases need to be reduced from today's approximately 9,000 kg CO2 per person to a maximum of 2,000 kg. That is about the same amount of emissions as a single round trip flight between Europe and New York causes, but a train ride to Paris and back from the edges of Europee emits less than 100 kg CO2.

Choosing the right destination and mode of transport is crucial for the climate. Are you ready to help your customers make carbon-clever choices?